Weekly Recap
19-2-2016 -> 28-2-2016
Hi there! Welcome to this weekly recap! This one was a little overdue, but that's because I now have a neat video for you guys in which I talk about Checkmate!
I sat down and talked about Checkmate for about an hour, and I've been doing a lot of editing in order to get the "best / most important bits" in one video. It's still pretty lenghty, but there's a lot of stuff to discuss aswell.
Everything you need to know is mentioned within the video, so go ahead and watch it!
A thing on retail price
I touch on this subject within the video, but just in case you're not bothered to watch it (which I can understand), I wanted to put this out there in a blog post aswell.
The final price of the game will be $5. Nothing more, nothing less (apart from maybe the couple of cents difference which occurs when converting to other currencies). I feel like this is a proper price for the game and I shouldn't ask much more for it.
Alternatively, you can get the game for free. However, this'll require you to do a couple of things before you'll get it, which mostly will have to do with PR stuff. The idea here is that you tell people about Checkmate, and in return, you get Checkmate for free. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle this yet, but it will happen once the game releases.
A little thing about Steam Greenlight aswell; I am going to Greenlight, but not any time soon. I really want to get the game in a proper state before going onto Greenlight, because I don't want to end up having nothing if I become greenlit. Note that the entirety of the thing discussed above will only start applying once I am on Greenlight.
That's all I have for now! I'll be working a bit more on the AI and hopefully I'll find a method to resolve my problems.