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Post news RSS Sprouty's Adventures : We jumped

So this is the first step of a long journey... But let's introduce Sprouty first. We bet you don't know anything about that strange character, neither about his story!

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So this is the first step of a long journey... But let's introduce Sprouty first. We bet you don't know anything about that strange character, neither about his story!

About Sprouty

Sprouty was a One Game A Month flash game, made as the May entry. Unfortunately, we were not able to finish it in time and could not submit it. We made extended playtests (with about 15 testers) and this extra time was not included in the monthly dev time allowed...

Even if we failed the monthly contest, the game was ready to be played so we published it anyway on Mochimedia. After months, the game is still played about 1.500 to 2.000 times a day and this make us very happy! Flash game developers will probably say that it is ridiculous for a flash game but we're really proud of it. Some people (all around the world!) like our game. Priceless feeling.

The flash game is just a raw prototype without all the things we thought about Sprouty' world. This relative success gave us the will to take time and create a REAL adventure for Sprouty. A lot of features could not be implemented because of time. Now we have time. And we'll use it well to give life to this sequel : Sprouty's Adventures.

About AlKeVi

We're three passion driven guys, with complementary skills . We love games, and we love making unique and handcrafted stories like... Sprouty. If the game mechanics and code are conceived by Alex, the man behind those completely psychedelic and unique drawings is Kévin. And the whole thing is raised up by Vincent's high level music composition and sound design.

Having specific skills does not mean we work separately. We work together, share ideas, adapt, upgrade and remix until the result is cool enough. We know what we want and we'll work hard until milestones are reached, until the game is shipped, until you could enjoy Sprouty's adventure across all the different worlds planned.

We aim to provide a minimum of 1 article per week so you could watch the work in progress. That's how we work and we want to show that this is not another doomed game project.

About You

Yes, we're talking about you, currently reading this piece of numeric paper! This project will go on, rain or snow, or whatever stormy disaster (the development may still be delayed in case of meteorite fall). But having your support will be our best motivation to keep moving forward and do our best.

The project may not be sexy for now, we're aware of that. If you want to have a better look into what we're creating, take a look at the flash game. You'll see what we did in about 3 weeks. Now just think that we have MUCH MORE time to work on it. And as said earlier, we'll give you at least one article per week. Stay in touch, see by yourself and spread the love.

See you next week!

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