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The day has finally come. We can finally confirm the date for the Steam Early Access release of Wayward. Wayward will be released on April 22nd, 2016.

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The day has finally come. We can finally confirm the date for the Steam Early Access release of Wayward.

Wayward will be released on April 22nd, 2016. We have a new trailer here:

We have a new website here:

And of course, our brand new Steam page is here:

Oh, and that Discord thing? Yep, we are doing that too now! Come hang out and chat!

Two of the questions I get asked the most is “When is Beta 2.0 coming out?” and the next one is “Is this dead? What is taking so long?”. Well, you now know the answer to the first one, and for the second, wait… that’s actually two questions. Jeez, one at a time please. It’s a bit of a long explanation. But here goes:

I (and everybody now involved) work on Wayward as a part-time hobby. Because I found a couple new guys to help me on the project, beta 2.0 has taken a lot longer than I thought. We have scrapped most of the old code. We have a brand new rendering engine (new graphics), we have a fully-featured modding system/support (through Steam Workshop), and a lot of things were re-written. This is on top of the massive changelog of other new features/changes and fixes.

New updates will not take a year+ to bring out. And because we are on Steam now, those updates will get pushed out sooner than before and make their way to everybody, automatically (well, if you have auto updates on Steam). We will also be doing a special developer branch in case you want to try brand new shiny features before everybody else. Steam Workshop will also make it easy for players to make their own changes, add content, features and more – and you can add it to your game in two clicks.

Yes, Wayward is Early Access, and Wayward is beta. Early Access can get a bad rap on Steam. Early Access means the exact same thing as beta does to us. I have no plans to stop development on Wayward. I hope our work over the past 4-5 years has convinced you of this.

Thanks to all that have helped on Wayward in some way over the years! Your support is awesome!

Stay tuned!

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