The first step for the wastebasket, a searchable container that will appear 4 or 5 times in the house.
The trash (placeholders for now) is picked from a list of predefined prefabs and is randomly positioned in the basket and stores the random seed, so it's the same next time.
When picking it up, the elements are "thrown out" until you find the item that was hiding beneath it (coming up next).
This is done by setting a random velocity to the body (which was asleep before) and shortly afterwards activate the colliders, so it collides with the floor and other items, which was disabled inside as I will allow some overlapping to get that extra messy look. :)
Having such a container makes it possible for me to have a reoccurring item that is a bit more fun than to look through a drawer, in my humble opinion.
The beginning of the interaction with the wastebasket, a seachable container.
Posted by ScaniX on