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News 01 here is what we have been doing, for this game and what still needs fixing.

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Hello people, i must apologize i did not release new screenshots today. Screen shots are coming tomorrow. Now as for the game its self:

The name of the game is just a working title we would like to call it "The Badge" before this game goes to Kick Starter. We will create a small beta soon just to try out unity physics and to hear your opinions on how to make it better. We will need a lot of help and as i have mentioned above in description of the game this will not be easy to make, and heads up the beta will contain weapons and characters from Unity FPS tutorial.

As for the website and chat support:

Abydos-3d-models.com is our website where we sell quality 3d models for vary low prices.
we are also updating the game there so please visit and comment on our models. Chat support will be most of the days online but if not send us an e-mail.

Once again please comment here and/or the website. Thank you with respect:


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