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Post news RSS Update 03/12

There have been a few changes since my last update, the most noticeable one has been the redesign of R, including the mesh and animations.

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There have been a few changes since my last update, the most noticeable one has been the redesign of R, including the mesh and animations.

The AI has been reworked a bit as well as the HUD, where all the elements have been redesign and some new code has been added to it.

The main directional light has been rotated to be completely perpendicular to the objects, so the player can see the shadows of the objects perpendicular to them and measure better their distance.

I have also started working with the profiler, still a long way to go, but with a few tweaks here and there, got around 30% fps increase.

Finally, I have implemented some new FXs.

I have put together a new video showing some of these developments, really hope you like it :)

Theon - - 712 comments

Insane progress!
I'm extremely hyped for this game - Still, please take your time - the more content the better.

I wouldn't make the time-stopping gimmick the main feature of the game, though. The platforming and exploration seems more than sufficient to stand on its own legs, and stand taller that way.

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misscelan Author
misscelan - - 34 comments

Many thanks for the kind words Theon!
I think you are the first person that tells me he/she is hyped for the game :), really nice to hear!
I will try to add more content as long as I have savings :P!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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