Hi all.
The first thing I would like to say is that we sold our first copies of TheTankers. Hurrah! :D
Currently I'm working on a small video with TheTankers referring to the quite popular lately advertising video - soon You'll see results ;)
A lot of people have told me recently that would have been nice if TheTankers had a built-in map editor. I took this to heart - if all goes well then I think the editor should be ready before Christmas.
And a surprise for fastest readers of this news - This Saturday I've just implemented to ourgames.eu/games store the ability to use promo keys and I want to test it in real. This functionality can be found in Your profile page after logging in to the ourgames. Below are promo keys for TheTankers:
1. 272ba-f725f-f6cdd-8d528
2. bfb5f-95f76-6f545-0f744
3. 6b8ee-2244a-1bf90-7d29e
4. caee0-3c356-2e9df-01334
So You know that to do now.. ;)
BTW. if you like this game, you can vote for it;)