And so we come to another game news.
I try to better explain what I wrote in the previous update about the possibility of the two endings.
A friend of mine who played the game told me: "I finished the game, but I didn't have the option to choose one ending or another".
That is correct, this is because I explained myself in an unclear way, and from the way I told it, it seems that at a certain point of the adventure, the player has the possibility to choose.
I apologize and I will explain better how it works; the adventure has an ending that we will call "official" and another "alternative" ending, and avoiding to give information that could be a spoiler, here is how it works:
Depending on the way of playing, it may be that a player, without knowing it, undertakes the variant of the alternative ending, which will not be dictated by a deliberate choice, but rather by the way this person has of playing.
For example, if you are a player that in graphic adventures, frantically clicks on the mouse button avoiding to read the long texts that the developer has prepared with a lot of effort..., or if you can't wait to continue avoiding to get wrapped up by the plot and the setting, it is "probable" and I repeat probable, that you could make a false step, and this will lead you to the alternative ending.
Conversely, a good adventure player, who respects the timing of the game and stays focused on what's going on, will almost certainly enjoy the official ending, and then as in my friend's case, will be wondering why he didn't have a choice.
Here is explained the story of the two endings and always reconnecting to the previous post, that's why the automatic save that will be useful in the case of the alternative ending, this way you will not have to replay the game from the beginning, but just reload it from the point where you can still make the choice "correct".
That said, we come to the progress made in this period.
During the modeling of the three-dimensional environments of the last chapter I had a lot of time to think about how to propose it, this is because during the modeling phase, I can keep my head free and then I start to imagine how the character will arrive at that point and what might happen.
At the moment I have finished almost all the rooms of the installation that will be:
1)The main entrance (which was already present in the initial chapter).
2) The corridor that leads to the other rooms, equipped with a hot drink dispenser and a small relaxation area.
3) The infirmary (in an installation scattered in the middle of the mountains there must be the possibility of being able to provide care in case of accidents).
4) The dormitory (room with 4 beds for researchers who reside at the installation).
5) The laundry room which is a room with sinks, toilets and showers and everything necessary to be able to wash and dry the clothes used.
6) Loft a room in which all unused items are crammed (which I have already shown in the previous chapter).
I still need to create the Kitchen room, and a few items to be placed in the hangar outside adjacent to the installation.
After I finish modeling the missing meshes, I'll develop the adventure this way:
If you will face the "alternative" ending, all these models will not be visible, and the player will be faced with a final Cutscene prepared around that "false step" I mentioned a few lines above; it will still be an ending, complete with music, dialogues and credits, so I guess it can still be satisfying to enjoy it.
If instead you face the "official" ending, then you will still have the opportunity to play within the installation, thus arriving at a different ending from the "alternative" one.
Now I come to a request for those who follow this "blog", I thought at the end of development and after solving the problem of translation, to put the game on the online sales platforms like Steam and company.
From my little experience, and for the titles I've developed previously, all the people I've worked with have always told me that the cover of the game is the store window where a likely customer looks in and evaluates if the product you're proposing could interest him.
And so I redid the cover that originally looked like this:
and now it has become this:
Now I'm here to ask for your opinion on this cover, I think it's more intriguing than the first one, and I think it's a good fit for the title In the lair of the beast, I deliberately used two colors, red and blue, to create that contrast between hot and cold, but I'm waiting to hear some of your comments, and I'm asking you to kindly find a few minutes to respond, any feedback is fine, I won't necessarily take what you write as an absolute rule, but knowing your thoughts will be useful to try to improve.
I will say that a user has rejected the fact that I divided the title into two parts, did not like the "Teresa Moontyners" divided from "The lair of the beast", too confusing, and then another thing that I did not like is the font used, I was advised a font Typewriter (which I am evaluating).
And still on the subject of the cover to a user, the image is not liked, saying that makes you think a horror game and would prefer to see a moment of normal scene (even nice) in which all the characters are present in the adventure (but on this I do not agree).
So thank you in advance for your participation and don't hesitate to write me what you think.