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Post news RSS Tactical Assault is going Standalone!

But fear not, it isn't bad news - actually, it's quite the opposite! TA has become a standalone game. The Unreal platform has always been a very popular one for modders and now Epic Games have decided to take it one step further by releasing the Unreal Development Kit (UDK).

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But fear not, it isn't bad news - actually, it's quite the opposite! TA has become a standalone game. The Unreal platform has always been a very popular one for modders and now Epic Games have decided to take it one step further by releasing the Unreal Development Kit (UDK). This means that anyone can use the Unreal Engine to create their own standalone game completely free! Obviously this has caused a tremendous stir in both the modding and indie games communities and it could mean that we will be seeing loads more games developed on the Unreal Engine technology.

The UDK means that we can develop Tactical Assault as a game that is completely separate from UT3 which is really exciting for us. This means that to play our game you will no longer have to buy Unreal Tournament 3. This will obviously open up the playerbase as well so we can now expect to have a community potentially 100 times bigger than if we were a mod which means a whole lot more people to play with. That's definitely a good thing.

As it turns out, porting to the new UDK was relatively painless and we now have our Alpha build running independent of UT3 and in pretty good shape. And, as an added bonus, the UDK makes everything look a whole lot better!

So all this means that it's a new bigger and brighter future for TA and I think everyone will agree that is pretty good news.

Oh, and just to prove we mean business - come and check out our new website that will be up on Friday morning. It has loads of cool new features so we'd like to hear what you think. We've got some great new talent on board too that are helping to make Tactical Assault into a top class game. It's time for Tactical Assault to roll with the big boys and we know we've got what it takes to turn some heads. Come and stop by our forums and join in the discussion - we'd love to chat with you.

The team here at Tactical Assault is always looking for new, talented people to join our ranks. If you think you have what it takes to help us in the glorious task of getting our first release to the public then we want to hear from you. Go to www.tactical-assault.com/apply to apply!

Remember, you can always check us out on Twitter to be the first to find out what's happening.

Talk soon!
Your TA Team

Shadow85 - - 556 comments

Yep. Thought so.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Atomic*** - - 2 comments

When this game is finish?

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archkyrie - - 1,134 comments

is it still going to be free?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
|KILroy| - - 346 comments

I hope so. Mods like The Ball have gone retail -.-.

Glad to hear the process was painless.
You guys have much potential. Don't let up and keep working

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dave_5430 - - 2,114 comments

To bad they also dropped the ball on the release... I think it only had like what, five purchases?

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Bode Author
Bode - - 56 comments

That's the plan! We'll do everything to make sure we have the widest player base possible!

Reply Good karma+3 votes
qpac - - 117 comments

Goddamn awesome guys! Go TA!

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SneakySoft - - 340 comments

Sounds great, and I think you guys can actually pull this off.

Good luck ;)

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Bode Author
Bode - - 56 comments

Thanks for the words of encouragement guys :)

I reckon we can pull it off too!

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Kamikazi[Uk] - - 1,412 comments

Since UDK released almost every UT mod went for it straight away i bet epic is really happy with this. Seem good change good work.

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Bode Author
Bode - - 56 comments

Tactical Assault is ranked higher than L4D2. Yup :)

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renegadekiller - - 1,319 comments


i had plans to buy UT3 but this is even more epic. awesome work

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Bode Author
Bode - - 56 comments

AWESOME! You're so excited that you forgot how to spell :)

That's what we like to see!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
hushpuppy - - 761 comments

Nice ;) UDK for the win!

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Atomic*** - - 2 comments

When this game is finish?

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Bode Author
Bode - - 56 comments

We don't have a release date as yet. But we're getting there!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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