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Post news RSS Stellar Stars - Learning From Feedback? Gameplay Changes And New Stuff!

A few days ago, an intense play-testing session consisting of 20 students went down ~ And as a result, a lot of feedback were gathered on how to improve Stellar Stars! Therefore, there's a few new gameplay changes in today's new patch!

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Stellar Stars - Development Blog Post #116

A few days ago, an intense play-testing session consisting of 20 students went down ~ And as a result, a lot of feedback were gathered on how to improve Stellar Stars! Therefore, there's a few new gameplay changes in today's new patch!

First and foremost, quite a few of the students were not used to using the Z key for jumping. Therefore, in today's new game patch, you can now also use your space bar or the up directional/arrow key for jumping!

Stellar Stars - You Can Now Jump With Space Bar/Up!

Secondly, a lot of the students pointed out that Ro and Asuka's health points (HP) was crazily low (4 HP) to begin with. Therefore, to give players using Ro and Asuka a slightly better fighting chance, their starting health has now been raised to 5 HP!

Stellar Stars - Increased Health For Ro & Asuka!

In addition to the 2 changes above, you might also notice that the game seems to be smoother as compared to before. This is because the game's performance has been improved to have a better frame rate!

Stellar Stars - Beat In Action! That Jumping!

And moving on to Stellar Stars' multiplayer, there is a new loading screen!

Stellar Stars - The Loading Screen Animation!

This new loading animation appears when all of the players in a game room are ready (i.e set their status to ready!). So when that happens, the match count-down animation will start!

Stellar Stars - Match CountDown!

And once the count-down reaches 0, the game will show the new loading screen. And that is where the exciting stuff comes in. What exciting stuff? Well look forward to the next patch!

Don't forget to experience the gameplay changes and improvements here!

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