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Post news RSS Steam Greenlight candidate trailer

Where "candidate" means both that the game will be a candidate in Steam Greenlight and that this trailer is a candidate for the welcoming trailer in the Greenlight page.

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So far the game's demo and presentation was received positively by people who played it or watched the trailer. Aside from the usual slips (like typo error or minor bugs), several opinions expressed that the trailer would do a poor job if it was used for Greenlight. Why?

Well apparently it is too long and with too many fancy words. According to the people who asserted these two facts, the overall format will challenge the attention span of a Greenlight / Steam store surfer. And you know what? They're right!

The average length of a Steam Greenlight trailer is under 1 minute.

The average view duration of the trailer on Youtube is 1:27.

My video is 2:30.

As you can see, the trailer is unnecessarily long. That's not to say it's bad, but if people on Youtube skip forward once or twice (let's assume that at least some of them do that instead of stop watching), hence the 1:27 average time, why not make a shorter trailer in the first place, where game info is merged with the game footage? The first (and longer) trailer could always be an optional, second video, in case someone wants to see more.

So, here it is. The trailer that will probably feature in the Greenlight page:

Let's hope this one will do the job right. What do you say? let me know!

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