Spirit has successfully reached its $4K Kickstarter goal!
This means that Spirit will now be a real game!!! Hooray!
However, We still have some really cool stretch goals that could totally be met if everyone kicked in just a little more support for this FINAL WEEK of the campaign.
Here are the stretch goals:
$5K = More Levels, More Polish, and Spirit will be released for Linux, Blackberry 10, Windows 8/ Phone 8:
This means that on top of the original script that has been written up for Spirit, we will write in a handful of new levels, add in a ton of extra details and polished features like more interactive environments and interesting aesthetic touches, AND release Spirit for Linux, Blackberry 10, Windows 8/ phone 8.
$6K = Double the Length of the Game, Plus Extended Soundtrack:
This means that on top of the additions from the 5K stretch goal, we're going to write in a ton of new levels, expanding the Spirit world to twice its original size, in turn creating a longer and deeper experience in the game. This also means that because the game will be much longer, the Soundtrack will be extended too, so expect more music to listen to inside and outside the game!
$8K = A Spirit Sequel !!!
After we finish up the fully extended version of Spirit, we will start working on a sequel to the game! How it relates to the story of Spirit will remain a mystery until we reach this stretch goal! I hope you're as intrigued as I am!
So now that we can all safely say that Spirit will be a real, legitimate, actual game... Those who want to essentially purchase the game early and take advantage of our exclusive rewards, while at the same time help bring Spirit closer to the above Stretch Goals, please go here:
Thank you backers, Thank you supporters, Thank you everyone for making Spirit a reality,
-Holden Boyles & Ciprian Stanciu-
The art in Spirit is brilliant. Simple but thoroughly elegant; each screen is a pleasing composition of well-balanced shapes and colors. The music complements the art quite nicely; playing the demo's a very tranquil experience, although you may want to consider changing or reducing the dialogue sound effects.
My favorite line so far:
Melwood: "...He was the nicest birdy I ever saw."
"One day he bit my finger, so I fed him to my dog."
Congratulations, and good luck on those stretch goals!