Hi Space Pirates!
This might be the final pre alpha before i implement the final story and content.
I actually already started with the help of a writer and i will update you as soon as the story and universe is fleshed out.
So what is new in this version?
The biggest feature is a new hull system.
I started to ask myself what i like best in this game while i was fixing issues.
Simple answer: blowing stuff up and discovering secrets. I also wanted the game world to be even more alive. I asked myself: What if i could blow up every wall...and not just certain ones which are too obvious anyways. Something that fascinated me in the Red Faction series.
You want to freak out? Well...do it!
"Bombini..." you may ask "...but what about the level design, focus and pacing?"
Well there are still walls with a steel core you cant blow up (the comment your actions with a nice "ting" sound) but most of the walls can be blown up.
The trick...every vessel has now a health percentage (generated from a certain number of certain tiles and where they are) which i call "hull" and is grouped into four states.
A certain amount of "hull" is deducted everytime you blow something up.
Those are the states a vessel can have:
- Green/blue: Minor damage but all fine
- Orange: Spawns fire and tiny tile explosions once in a while (level shales once in a while)
- Red: Spawn bigger tile explosions (level shakes constantly)
- Hull has 0%: Ship will explode gradually
I added assembly lines which crafts items to for example robots:
And advenced the flamer which can now burn through a lot more lements
I also updated the contract system although all contract levels are still placeholder or not existing.
Try the PC version:
...or the MAC version:
Check out the full changelog:
New features:
+ Reworked simple NPC text system allowing dialogues in level
+ I finalize and optimize contract feature
+ Added assembly lines which crafts items to for example robots
+ Rewrote movement code for player: Change motion state for suite in space
+ Added legendary enemies
+ Wall tiles are now split in two groups. Destructable with bombs and not destructable (with steelcore).
+ Hull system implemented. Ship can break apart if certain damage taken.
+ Logs are counted. Finding all logs gives a credit bonus
+ Advanced flamer weapon (burns all organic material and alien slime now)
+ Fixed camera issues in several levels
+ Fixed Doors with trigger
+ Fixed disable alarm console (works properly now)
+ fixed security camera & alarm countdown (work properly now)
+ Added system sounds to hull system