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Post news RSS SkyEdge Dev Log #5

Ancient weapon leaked and a new chat system! This few weeks, we had set our focus on custom content creation and the chat system for a more JRPG style chat. There also will be a deep relationship system between player and the residents of the town much like Harvest Moon series.

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Ancient weapon leaked and a new chat system! This few weeks, we had set our focus on custom content creation and the chat system for a more JRPG style chat. There also will be a deep relationship system between player and the residents of the town much like Harvest Moon series.

First thing first, the weapon system in the game will be divided into two which is the Ancient Weapon class and Normal Weapon class. The Ancient weapon class is the important weapon that player cannot drop or sold as it is vital for players to open path or solve puzzle in the overworld or dungeon. The normal class on the other hand is weapon that can be sold, drop or loot from defeated monsters. Here is some of the screenshot of thee Ancient Class Weapon:

Series of leaked in progress AncientSeries of leaked in progress Ancient
Series of leaked in progress AncientSeries of leaked in progress Ancient

That the weapon. Now the newest changes with the game is the chat system that resemble JRPG style game. With this new chat system, it is possible to add relationship system found in Harvest Moon series (more like Rune Factory series).

Newer Chat System
Well it does need a better UI graphic.

Now here is my problem. I had focused more to custom content and gameplay because I'm more a modeler, game designer that a level designer. So my problem right now is the level design part, I do like designing level but since I had to focus more to custom content creation, level designing had become a stub for me. I wish for a Cube 2 based level designer that can design level base on my description of the level. Well he/she will be paid when the full game is released or after the demo. If anyone interested, PM me in the PAS forum or Indiedb, I will surely be delighted.

Best regard,
Wind Astella

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