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Quick site-related update - we transferred website hosts.

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Hey guys,

Quick site-related update for everyone. There might be a few hiccups over the next couple days or so with our site projectdarkworld.com as we've just transferred website hosts. We had quite a few problems with our old hosting provider, so hopefully we'll have a happier and longer life with iWF.

Though the registrars mention the transfer should be completed within 48 hours or so, in practice it may take a bit longer than that for all the name servers around the world to catch up with the new location of our domain. So only some users will be able to access our new host, and the rest will continue to access the old site or a Siteground page. This is fine and things should be back to normal shortly.

You can still reach us over at mailbox@projectdarkworld.com for general emails and inquiries, and if you're interested in joining the Project Dark World team and contributing in some way, please don't hesitate to get in touch at contribute@projectdarkworld.com

Thank you to everyone who subscribed so far! :-)
- The Project Ark Team

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