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Tokyo Game Show talk, plus a PlayStation 4 announcement for the We Were Here series...

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How is everyone doing? It's been a busy month but we've been making steady progress. In fact, we can finally reveal some exciting news... at the end of this post ;)

What are we up to right now?

We can tell you that we're participating in the Tokyo Game Show this year, with some awesome news! If you aren't following the event, you can find it at the end of this post as well. The Tokyo Game Show is always an exciting event with some big announcements and trailers to enjoy - and we're always curious to see what's popular in other parts of the world. We'd love to attract new We Were Here fans from Japan and Asia more generally! If you'd like to check out the event yourself, Inverse has a nice article on how and when to watch.

Which announcements are you hyped for?

How the show looked in years past. It's all online for 2020.

Are you a notetaker?

Some of the puzzles in our games can be more easily solved with the aid of pen and paper, as player QAQAQAQAQ has discovered. Some great drawings here!

We're pleased to see people taking notes, because the We Were Here series is inspired in part by the legacy of classic adventure game Myst - did you know that Myst actually came with a notepad in the game box itself! You can see a cool image of someone's notes from this fun Reddit thread!

Last but not least...

We have a great announcement for console fans today - those of you following our social media might already have figured it out - the We Were Here series is coming to PlayStation 4 soon! No dates yet, but we'll let you know whenever we have something firmed up. Follow our social media for all the latest news and We Were Here developments! And don't forget: keep your eyes open, because we will probably have more hidden messages in the coming months...

Do you see the circle in this image? There were four other images that had a triangle, cross and square. Put them together, and you got the PS4 controller buttons!

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