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Post news RSS Progress Report - Esara Restyle

Recent restyling, writing and sound design in it's infancy.

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This is a combination of two updates that I've written and hadn't gotten around to posting online so here's the catch up!

Progress #8 :- Writing is continuing, nothing new there. My progress over yesterday has been in altering the interface to replicate an older command line/terminal based system to fit a little more with my theme. I didn't post any screen shots of the previous interface as I haven't been 100% happy with it.


Screen shot shows a very small piece of the written content in the prologue. Along with that I've been able to borrow one of the lovely Zoom H4N recorders from a friend for the sound design capture for this project. Many thanks!


Progress #7 :- Writing has increased in pace and my flowchart is getting messy.

Was tempted to leave the post there and get back to writing but will add a little more to the update. I've made large amounts of progress with the multiple branches of story, the beginning starts with three small choices and develops two a group of choices that leads the player down a new route of story, one is going to be shorter than the other however it will still contain valuable information about the world and the current situation of the setting: Dystopian London.

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