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Some of my progress with le story and upcoming stuff. Boobies are awesome btw.

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Progress since I made this mod page:

I am working on the last map for chapter 4 and will then need to make some events after that map (a conversation with one of the characters in the story for example). I also added what I think is the last enemy in the story. If we only count enemys that will be "monsters", I have 4. Three of them which are against you and one enemy that isn't on anyones side and will attack both you and other people on contact (this include your primary enemies).

Upcoming stuff:

A boat trip is planned for chapter 5 which will take you, le player to a new village (name TBD).I am also planning to make a demo since this story is by far the longst one I have ever made. So long it can actually have a demo. I'm still deciding which maps I want to show in the demo, but expect it to be up pretty soon.


I could finally upload the demo and I'm waiting for admins approval.

A couple of testers encountered crashes, but it turned out both of them had conversions installed, at least one of them which forced them to replace original files. Testers without conversions installes did not crash.


If you can't play the demo, play on Windows (if you tried to install it on Mac or Linux), make sure Justine DLC is installed and try to uninstall all conversions you may have installed.

If you still encounter any crashes or other issues, please report them to me and I will look into even more, but I hope it shouldn't come to that.

Enjoy the demo :)

TheScratcho - - 83 comments

Boobies are awesome btw
Just wanted to tell you this important information

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