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A 6-hour playtest marathon finished up Sunday, with a handful of volunteers generous enough to waste time on a holiday weekend. There are a fair number of minor bugs and balancing issues, but nothing major--no game-breaking bugs and nothing in the core functionality of the game to worry about.

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This past weekend saw about 6 hours of play-testing involving 4 testers and myself, so 5 people wasting time on a holiday to test a game about growing herbal medicine. Sounds fun, eh? Riiiight.

The good news: no game-breaking bugs were found! The core functionality of the game ran smoothly without a single problem.

The bad news (?): there are a decent number of minor fixes to be done, most with graphical or text hiccups, and a few user-friendly adjustments to the interface.

Assuming I finish these tweaks, there will be a public demo of the beta (and possibly a pre-release paid version) available by 12/7/13.

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