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We are making progress in incorporating original and fun gameplay mechanics into the game, we will disscuss each new gadget and gameplay mechanic below.

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we are making progress in incorporating original and fun gameplay mechanics into the game, we will disscuss each new gadget and gameplay mechanic below.

-physics driven building system :
this is going to make the task of creating a strong shelter ready to receive heavy attacks way more challenging for the player, now he will have to idealize a physicallly stable structure, that wont be necessaryli beatifull, but rather strong to receive all kind of attacks. Enemies are going to be able to destroy any structure you make.

-interact with every object that you spawn
by using your left and right mouse button you are going to be able to push and pull every object that you spawn, this is going to give you the tool to reorganize your structure, move traps and gadgets, etc

- traps, lots of traps
we have introduced 3 traps and we are planning to make way more
1. simple land mine : when an enemy touches the mine, the trigger systemt will detonate causing great damage in a decent radious
2. radiation field: a object that creates a radious with lethal radiation, when an enemy enters this radious he gets damaged, not drastically thou.
3. zero gravity mines. mines that are not affected by gravity, and are detonated at your will by shooting them, their radious is not that big nor their damage.

-motion blur and optimization :
we have incorporated a motion blur camera system into the game, we have also worked hard to optimize the frame rate, so that anyone with a decent computer can play our game!.

this gameplay video explain the topics discussed above

ZaliaS - - 148 comments

Hmmmm. Frozen Nightmare's "Worm Monster" looks A LOT like StarForge's "Worm Monster."

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Bermuda01 - - 43 comments

I think the reason for that is that you can buy this Model from the Unity Asset Store...The devs from SF haven´t create the worm by their own, they bought it from unity.

@frozenstudios for a few weeks i thought frozen nightmare doesn´t hold any appeal to me...but with all the updates in the past and your communication with the community, you show me that you are working really hard for your project and that deserves respect.
I am really impressed now :)

keep it up

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frozenstudios Author
frozenstudios - - 181 comments

thank you , it feels great to read this kind of comments

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SirPrimalform - - 304 comments

This update is so weird... about 2 weeks later you reveal Diversitas. Did you really completely change direction within 2 weeks or had you already been working on Diversitas? If you had, why would you do this work only to abandon it?

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