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I can't believe a year has gone by since the release of the Parasomnia demo and I've been overwhelmed with the response and how it has been received by everyone. So this will be a brief update on how things are going...

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I can't believe a year has gone by since the release of the Parasomnia demo and I've been overwhelmed with the response and how it has been received by everyone.

So this will be a brief update on how things are going, the first level (the house from the demo) has been tweaked and improved. I've fixed the glitch which caused objects to fall through the floor and the frame rate should be a bit smoother too.

I've added more speech to the game, for example; if you pick up a chair or touch a picture, Jack will say something appropriate to that object.

I've edited the light casting objects in the game to provide real time shadows, so for example; if you throw something at a ceiling light, the shadows will be realistically rendered as the light moves when the object sways.

All in all, I have four nicely detailed levels. The first two are finished and the latter two need a bit more work. I've been working really hard on this on and off for the last year, it takes a long time to reach the kind of quality bar I'm looking for, especially when you're a one man team and have real life time constraints; so apologies for the length of time this is taking.

I'm still not sure when the full game will be ready, sometime after AAMFP I would imagine and I may release it in two parts.

Finally, thanks to everyone who played the demo and left feedback or rated it.

jtdisthebeast - - 9 comments

very great. i wasn't even aware it was a demo until now. everything was perfect on my end. the voice acting is brilliant. And the puzzles were challenging but fair. take your time finishing it up, don't rush, and it will be perfect. 10/10

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