We had a really crazy launch this morning of The Organic Indie Preorder Pack. It's hard to believe that there are still six days left! We've been inundated with support questions, so to help clear some up, we wrote the the OIPP FAQ!
Q: You guys are awesome but I am totally faithful to Steam! I will only buy OG and NS2 if I can transfer them onto Steam when you release. What do you say to that?
A: In the case of Overgrowth, you are good to go! Valve has already assured us that we can transfer our preorders onto Steam. See this blog post for more details. Furthermore, Impulse has also agreed to honor preorders. So one Overgrowth preorder will be good on Steam, Impulse, and direct from us on Mac, Windows, and Linux.
In the case of NS2, it is a little more complicated. Unknown Worlds doesn't have it in writing that Valve will distribute NS2 on Steam yet. I am pretty confident on their behalf that NS2 will be good to go on Steam, but it is not 100% confirmed.
Q: You mentioned that OG and NS2 preorderers are eligible for a free pack. How do I get this?
A: If you preordered Overgrowth, go here: Wolfire redemption station. If you preordered NS2, go here: NS2 redemption station.
Q: Umm, I am a rockstar and preordered both 8-). What now?
A: You're the man! Thanks for supporting indie development. You can either stay cool and chill with your extra keys, or you could make me mail you a personal check if you are unhappy.
Q: YOU LIE! You said NS2 preorderers get the pack, but only NS2 SE preorderers can do it!
A: Oops! That was actually a bug. Charlie and I fixed this, so please, redeem away!
Q: If I buy Overgrowth or NS2 by itself now, can I still get the other for free?
A: No, nice try though! You can't redeem the OG key for another NS2 key and then redeem that for another OG key ad infinitum either. ;) I thought of this 10 minutes before we launched and coded furiously to fix it.
Q: I submitted my key and it says that it worked but I haven't received an email. Where is it?
A: First check your spam folder. It may have gotten intercepted there. Second, remember that the email you used to preorder the original game is where your new key will be sent. The database will not be aware of any subsequent email changes you've undergone so be sure to scope out your old email's inbox. Third, contact us directly, we will fix you up!
Q: I tried to submit my key and I was told it had already been used. What now?
A: If it's not in your spam folder, contact us directly, we will fix you up!
Q: I tried to submit my key and I was told that it wasn't valid, what should I do?
Q: What happens when the worlds of NS2 and Overgrowth collide and the fans mingle with each other?
A: So far, both communities have been on their best behavior and flamewars about the whaleman versus hovar scorpion have not occured yet. The whaleman is definitely huge, but the hovar scorpion can hovar without flapping so it's not clear who would have the advantage.
Q: Who can devour more inferior creatures before becoming full, the whale man or the onos?
A: That's a very difficult question and I don't think I've done enough research to give you a definitive answer (whale man).
Q: How close are you to making John dye his beard pink (1000 sales)?
A: It is definitely achievable, but without more SWEET TWEETS and Facebook shares, it may not happen. We could also use some more support from the press: please write your local gaming site and encourage them to post about our promotion!
Q: Will the carpet match the drapes?
A: Umm, maybe if we get to 2,000 sales!
Q: Nice looking site! Who made it?
A: It was a group effort: John made the YouTube video, Iiro Jäppinen made the hot OS X style Photoshop document, Aubrey touched up Iiro's graphics a little, Jeff coded up the page and wrote the backend and front end, Charlie wrote the NS2 gateway, and Jendraz (the man behind the excellent Lugaru empire campaign) made the soundtrack for the video (check out his band's Facebook and MySpace).
If you can think of other important questions related to the Organic Indie Preorder Pack that we did not address, please feel free to leave them in the comments. (Permalink)
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So the people that already got both don't get allowed to get an extra copy of the other?
I think he just said above that they do get the other game (in total own 2 copies of both) or can work out to receive a refund on one of them.
Nah, the opposite :)
flamewars about the whaleman versus hovar scorpion have not occured yet. Haha xD I already got my copy of NS2 :)
Thanks, this solve my question.
Going to buy this today hopefully :D.
Yeah me too!
It says in the deal site that you get Instant alpha access, what stage are both games in development, instant alpha = just editing tools for the two engines?
As far as I know, the editing tools for Overgrowth are released and you can use a placeholder character to play around. It is constantly being updated too so always something new to try, juding by the moddb posts they make. NS2 has some stuff released too but not too sure about what.
NS2 had the level editor, called Spark, released and it's in its early stages. It's very close to the build that the devs are using, and constantly being updated with new features that the community request.
Does the Organic Indie Pack come with NS2: SE?
in that case gonna pre-order it soon. Need to put money on my paypal before I can do so.
Pretty sad they originally wanted to release NS at the end of 2009, with the Alpha just starting a few months before. Had me worried. Glad it got delayed.
"Will the carpet match the drapes?" hahahaha that's great I hope you guys get a ton of orders, really deserve it.
Damn you Christmas for making me so broke...
This is SO damn ******* nice...
I wanted to get overgrowth but had no money(though ns2 already preordered)
And now I got both, I iz happy...
I gues havoring scorpion is the lerk ? xD