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Post news RSS Operation Black Mesa Update

We are excited to share some more information and media. A brief look at what 2016 was like and what future might bring. Find out more in the update and do not forget to read the interview with Black Mesa VK community.

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Hello Tripminers!

We are glad we all survived the Holidays and endless New Year celebrations. Now, when everyone seems to be in full swing of their regular lives, we thought it is a great opportunity to break the silence.

It's not a big secret that we haven´t released much new media throughout 2016, but those who've been looking hard hopefully did find their vigialance rewarded in the series of smaller updates on our Facebook pages or Dev.blog releases.

Speaking of Dev.blogs., we have released 3 of them past few months and we definitely plan to release even more. You can always find them in „Research and Development“ forum on our official community forums. It is a great way to engage with our community and present a lot of „behind the curtain“ content we are working on. If you haven´t read these blogs yet, you can do it right now:

1) What's a Brush? - Chris's Prop Devblog

- An article related to Chris´s hard surface modeling.

2) Dev. Blog: Sky department

- Take off and reach the sky with our Sky department. This article will show just a tiny bit of our effort we put into skies.

3) EGGs Prop Party

- One more dev.blog focused on 3D art, this time directed by Brandon, known as EvilGoodGuy.

Many took the lack of media updates as a sign of death, but nothing could have been further from the truth. In fact, 2016 was wonderful year for Tripmine Studios.

It was quite a milestone for the single-player campaign. Our team started to focus more on actual gameplay mechanics. Some chapters are close to something we could call being done and we started connecting them together.

Other departments are not falling behind either and we all work very hard towards our goal. As for now, one of the most crucial parts we shifted our focus on is NPC implementation. Our organic modelers are working around the clock to get character models ready for animation process. We will definitely share on how it goes in the future updates. We just cannot wait to share how they loook and work in-game!

You can also check our recent interview with Black Mesa VK community. It might give you an interesting insight into what is going on.

The year ahead is a very special one for us. It represents major milestone for our team and we believe not only for us, but also for our fans. We definitely have reasons to celebrate! First off, Tripmine Studios just turned 5! Yes, our team was founded in January 2012 and we merged Operation Black Mesa and Guard Duty into one project. It was a great stride for both projects and even though it wasn´t always easy, we overcame the obstacles. Nowdays, we are very proud how we handled it and we believe it was for the best of both projects.

But there is one more reason to get in the festive mood! Can you imagine that Operation Black Mesa will turn 10 this year? Yes, it was September 29, 2007 and Xavier “Eleval” Tissot, the former project leader announced Operation Black Mesa project re-launch. Do you remember some of these old artworks and early level prototypes? Please note that these are outdated and final versions will look nothing like this ;).

An artwork from early pre-production of "We are not alone" by Ballsopt

How Zitax envisioned Otis back in 2016 :)

This is very early version of Welcome to Black Mesa. Nowadays, this chapter looks significantly different.

Not much left from these early years of Operation Black Mesa development and we can say things sort of settled down after the merge with Tripmine Studios. Even if majority of content made in these years is gone, it was defínitely very interesting era of the development that helped us to shape the game to its current form.

But enough with nostalgia, we have to look into the future! This year will be very important for us, as we work towards making the game playable. Be sure to stay tuned as we will definitely share more with you, when the right time comes ;).

Before we close this update, we would like to thank you for your endless support. It´s great to be surrended with people who don´t give up and still have faith in us. You have no reason to be worried, we have put so much time, money and energy into these projects that we can hardly imagine just letting it die. It´s our baby that is part of our everyday life. And it can be your baby too!

Tripmine Studios is always looking for talented people who would like to take a part in the development process. If you are skilled and ready to dedicate us your spare time, you will get opportunity to get to work with outstanding and solid team that will make you ready for the game-development carreer. Just head over here and see our application guidelines and currently available positions.

naryanrobinson - - 650 comments


What is this mod exactly,
and what relation is it to Black Mesa, the Early Access mod released on Steam?

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McSug4r Author
McSug4r - - 1,293 comments

We remake Opposing Force and Blue Shift. Our FAQ will shed some light on who we are and what we do.

Reply Good karma+48 votes
23-down - - 3,642 comments

You can't begin to imagine how exited I am to see an update of this project.. Everything sounds good and solid... Stay on ball.. It's worth it. :) Good job.

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wmf776759 - - 482 comments

Wonderful. Keep it up!

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spongedog001 - - 232 comments

so will you guys try to make all the maps that cross over with the maps in black mesa source try to look as much to it in black mesa like lambda core the tram
or will you leave that up to insecurity mod and protocol-x mod with uses black mesa source to make there game?

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TheRenegadist - - 2,086 comments

Great article! I'm glad you guys threw in a Guard Duty image in there to appease fans of that game, I know I appreciate it.

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INtense! Staff
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

The annual update ;) good to see they keep coming through - our community is so hyped!

Reply Good karma+20 votes
oldmatemods - - 121 comments

Hell yeah, we can't wait to see more.

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Blue199 - - 6,970 comments

I'm gonna open up my champaign bottle now, this is an ocassion to celebrate! ^^

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Tabajara77 - - 317 comments

Awesome media update as always!

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Diesel.Turbo.Zombine - - 30 comments

Modern diesel engines have overcome disadvantages of earlier models of higher noise and maintenance costs
They are now quiet and require less maintenance as compared with gasoline engines

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Mdisk64 - - 185 comments

This is amazing guys. I'm so glad you're making this stuff. I'll follow you until it's done.

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Zorrentos - - 1,323 comments

Nice to see new stuff from you (Though, I honestly wasnt happy to see my 10 year old high school art included whitout asking permission or anything).

All the stuff looks very good as usual, but I was kinda hoping that we would get to see actual ingame screenshots or even video material by now, seeing as it has been so long since the last MR.

Good luck with the mod in the future.

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PurpleGaga27 - - 2,069 comments

Will both Operation Black Mesa and Guard Duty will be free or both of them will wind up just like Black Mesa retail?

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Salk - - 298 comments

I would be more than happy to pay for this, just like I did for Black Mesa.

First of all, I think Tripmine Studios deserve a financial support, considering all the work put into this project for years.

And second, because I think it would be just fair. This is not a minor modification of an existing game. This is a complete new game from scratch!

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Salk - - 298 comments

Thank you very much for a much needed update, MR.sugar!

Please convey all our thanks to the great team working to make this a reality.

Godspeed, Tripmine Studios!

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AlphaTitan - - 2 comments

Glad to you guys are still alive, and well I presume. Never lost faith in you Tripmine! Keep up the amazing, and awesome work!

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Porquebrute - - 8 comments

So glad this is a thing and that the OG half life series is getting revived! Thank you! Now all we need is Half-Life Decay and we'll have the triumvirate.
And the classic mods, They Hunger and Paranoia :D

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