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Good news. I'm not dead, and neither is this mod. Bad news. It's been a month since I updated. I am sincerely sorry for that, I hadn't planned on it.

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Good news. I'm not dead, and neither is this mod. Bad news. It's been a month since I updated. I am sincerely sorry for that, I hadn't planned on it. Now I'm not gonna lie to you, I haven't been very busy with much of anything as of late. I did a lot of sitting around, I did a few pencil sketches, I slept, I ate, etcetera; but more than that I thought. I thought about Lament, I mulled over it's story, levels, gameplay, and what I could do to improve it. And I realized something. I bit off way more than I could chew for a first mod. Ten levels I have planned. Ten detailed, story relevant, well thought-out levels. I can't manage that, I'm just one person. I don't have a team to help me, and I barely have any experience. I built the first room, Michael's room, in mid-March. It's October now, that room no longer exists, and I'm no closer to being finished than I was three months ago. I deleted a good amount of stuff, remade a couple levels entirely, didn't do much with existing levels, and I've decided that my best effort isn't enough to finish Lament like I'd planned. So I'm going to take inspiration from the devs of Triptych, the Crysis mod, and just do enough. Enough to finish, enough to make a decent custom story, enough to be happy with my work. I have no obligation to finish Lament. I could drop the entire project if I wanted to. But I won't and I never will. This is a passion project, and as long as I'm enjoying it, I'll keep working on it. So expect a release early next year, my thirty-three followers.

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