Northfall February News!
It's been a while since we posted any news and the reason for that is that we have been working very hard on the game. In this post I will share some of the things we have been working on with you!
First person body awareness system
You are now playing the game as Lucas. All the movements you can see in game are controlled by the animations of the character. If you look down at your feet, there are actually feet! No more forearm characters! This enables us to make much richer cut scenes and sequences but it also makes the immersion of the game much more believable. The system isn't done yet but we have come a long way. More animations will be added, removed or fine tuned to create the most believable character we can.
New UI
The menu system is being reworked from the ground up to create a more user friendly and smooth experience. The main menu right now might look "cool", but the truth is that its a pain to use it. It takes too much time for the camera to fly to different options and its not the most optimized menu. So, the main menu is being remade from scratch and will end up a lot better in the end! The pause menu have also had some modifications done to it, options for graphics, sound and additional features like enabling Oculus Rift VR mode and another hardware device that we are not ready to announce yet.
General Progress
And of course we have also been doing general progress on the game. One chapter of game will be a little "different" from the others and this is what we have spent most of our time on lately. I can't say much about it but I will give you a picture to look at. The intro if the game is also being remade to be better than the current one.
New IndieDB design
The IndieDB page have been updated to look more interesting than the old one.
If there is anything you'd like to see in Northfall, please tell us! Your opinion can help us make a better game so don't be afraid to tell us what you think! Comment, Send a message on IndieDB or email this adress