The game is now for serveral months under construction. A playable demo can be found in the download section.
It contains two levels, a tutorial and a randomly generated training level. Everything is far away from completion. Note the option settings in the bottom left corner. Currently the controls are a bit confusing, so if you like you can change them on start, I suggest to play with mouse/keyboard for player1 and gamepad for player2
Player1 Control:
Movement: W,A,S,D
Attack: F, left mouseclick
Jump: G, space
Dash: H or left shift, pressing it once: Crouch, hold to Run
Defend: T, right mousebutton
Look: Hold R
Lock On: E
Use Item: Z, C
Change Item: Q
Player2 Control:
Movement: Arrow Keys or I,J,K,L
Attack: Numpad 1
Jump: Numpad 2
Dash: Numpad 3, pressing it once: Crouch, hold to Run
Defend: Numpad 5
Look: Hold Numpad 4
Lock On: O
Use Item: Numpad 6
Change Item: U
Have fun!