I like to present you our next schwarm-unit - the HYDRA ! We have made a big media-update with a lot of pics and animations (have a look in our gallery).
The Hydra is the last level of the Hydranit. A complete new unit (never seen before) and was inspired by the alien worrier from "Alien". The HYDRA is able to move completly in the underground to attack the enemies from the back. With sharp claws and a deadly spike the HYDRA can make very agressive melee attacks. To attack the enemy, the HYDRA must left the underground for a moment, but that moment is often short enough to escape the enemys attack. The HYDRA can hardly detected by any sensors and is so invisible to it's enemies. There are only two weak points; the HYDRA can not attack aircraft and that unit is blind, so you have to tell that unit, what to attack.
The HYDRA is definitly the last mutation for the Hydranit. Maybe, if I have enough time and the game engine make it possible, I will create a next level for the HYDRA - the "Hyperion", a mutation between HYDRA and engery-unit.
Any further questions ? Write in our forum or mail us directly !
That was all for the moment - good day
I love it!
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Don't you mean the Hydra was inspired or stolen (wich ever you see fit) from the very good rts game Starcraft?????
P.s. I won't tell blizzard if you don't :)
I dont thing the Hydra is stolen from StarCraft. You mean the Hydralisk, it that looks like a bit similar to that StarForge unit, but the Hydralisk has eyes and the body looks more like a snake. The Hydranit looks more like that one unit you mean. Indiedb.com thats what you mean.
BTW: nice model, Spoo.
nice hydralisk ripoff
thx for your comments.....
I know that our first units were very StarCraft like and I will create som units, similar to the other StarCraft-units.....be sure, I don't want to make copies....but some units are to "scheisse geil" to be left in 2D :D
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this is really gd can u actually play this on DoW?