UPDATE August 7th 2016
We've been hard at work at improving PizzaTales, and we have an updated version to give you. As previously, the game is available on itch.io at this link: Lsah.itch.io
Here is a list of changes that we have made:
-Corrected a bug in the save system
-Corrected bugs on bowler (armor buff) and panama (health buff) hats
-Added Settings menu
-Added an option to turn off the soundtrack
-Added item effects to health and armor potions
-Added equipment unlock effects
-Minor UI improvements
-Improved Sir Tomato (level Forest 4 boss) animations
What's to come in the future:
-Improved animations for all bosses
-Adding dialogue to certain enemies
-Fullscreen option
-Balance tweaks
-AI improvements for various enemies
There are some features that we are exploring, but we make no promise of them being added at the moment, such as:
-Controller support
-Rebindeable keys