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Today we will have a look at various mission types you can undertake while playing Blasted Road Terror.

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missions overview

Hello everyone! Another day, another artcile revealing a bit more about Blasted Road Terror! Today we will have a look at various mission types. At first glance there does not seem to be much difference between them, but trust me, each one has to be played differently if you want to pass through it unharmed.

Short contracts

Short missions which are aviable all the time as there is always someone who wants to hire war crawler for a job. Currently there are three types of contracts but more will come and some will even be region specific as there will be three zones with different environments and enemy sets and different material rewards. Contracts take anywhere between 5 - 10 minutes of gameplay.

header survival

Survival is the most common mission you can get and dont have any specific requirement. When assembling war party you have to take in to account you can encounter all enemies from current zone set so well ballanced party is way to go in this case. All you have to do is to survive number of enemy waves, depending on mission difficulty.

header escort

Escort comes with a little twist, you have to protect cargo carrying van which always drives hidden behind your main vehicle. Does not seem like much difference, but as the game is mainly about proper positioning another line of sight obscuring object will effectively separate your party in to two so when composing your party for this kind of job, you have to take in to account that two independent groups and something with rear fire capability might be helpfull.

header assasination

Assasination is basicaly mini-boss fight. Every miniboss have its own set of abilities and might, or might not summon adds to help him to get you off his tail. Currently there are just two bosses in game but there will be wide variety of them while none of them will be pure bullet sponge. Each will require different approach if you ll want to chop his/her head off.



Patrol mission is alternative to short contracts, rewards players with rare quality items and will offer 20 - 30 minutes long adventures. Before patrol mission you will have to stock on supplies to sustain your group running after couple of encounters with enemies and you will have to adjust your loadout as supplies takes valuable cargo space which is pretty limited, and your favourite group setup for short contracts will probably wont work here.
While running patrol mission you have simple map of area aviable at all times, where you can see intersections, detours and possible encounter icons to help you decide which turn is worth taking and which not. Are you going to stop by the road to perform repairs? Or are you going to wait after next encounter as there will be shelter aviable where you can refresh your crew as well? Are you going to intercept fuel convoy you can see far to the west and deal with possible ambush at crater site which you ll have to take in order to return to main road? The choice is yours.

As mentioned above, there will be three different zones, each with some unique contracts and set of enemies as i hope it ll keep the gameplay rich and varied enought to entertain players longer than few evenings.

gang roling opt

Thanks for reading and your support! If you are at the game profile for first time and like what you see on the pictures around, then please consider giving a game YES vote on its steam greenlight page:

With regards


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