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Post news RSS Laugh Track: New Demo 4-23-16 & Progress Updates

Today's demos includes a bunch of new features (A shop, removal of the "life" system", 5 worlds to explore) and a TON of bug fixes and refinements.

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Hey everyone, updating Laugh Track today. This update includes a bunch of new stuff.

PC Demo:
Laugh Track Demo 4/23/16

Mac Demo:
Laugh Track Mac Demo 4/23/16

First of all, I've noticed when people play this game that the Game Over screen was the biggest place to quit, so I decided to remove the life system from the game entirely. Why frustrate people? This is a challenging game and I want people to WANT to finish it.

So say goodbye to this beauty:
Game over sprite, gone forever

After lives were removed, the coins, spades and diamonds no longer had a purpose. So I added a "store" where the player (you!?) can purchase useful items from various mysterious characters in long robes.
Sales screen

Here are some other updated things:

An options screen:
spr options v3

Tons of little bug fixes and polishings. This game is really shaping up!
Screen shot 2016 04 20 at 5 36 0

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