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Post news RSS Introducing Daemon Club: Cross-Platform Monster Fighting

Daemon Club is a turn-based strategy based on classic JRPG combat systems with a few modern adjustments. Players will control a team of daemons to compete in multiplayer and story-mode combat. You'll be able to customize every aspect of your team to fit your personal playstyle.

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Hi! We're Zoggle, a studio based in Illinois and we're officially announcing our game: Daemon Club! We've been working on this game for over a year now but we want to start reaching out to the community for freedback.

Daemon Club is a turn-based strategy based on classic JRPG combat systems with a few modern adjustments. Players will control a team of daemons to compete in multiplayer and story-mode combat. You'll be able to customize every aspect of your team to fit your personal playstyle.

TeamEditor Cropped

Like most games in the genre, you will control one daemon at a time from those on your team. Each turn, you and your opponent will have to make a decision on how to act. You can instruct your daemon to perform a technique, switch places with a benched daemon, or invoke a special power. Each daemon is designed with certain playstyles and strategies in mind, but part of the fun is trying to come up with unique combos that break expectation.

Even though it does no damage, after you've used Chum twice a sea monster rises from the deep to feast for massive damage. We're looking forward to seeing players use this technique in unexpected ways!

Even though it does no damage on its own, after you've used Chum twice a sea monster rises from the deep to feast for massive damage. We're looking forward to seeing players use this technique in unexpected ways!

We'll be posting more updates as we complete tasks, so stay tuned to keep up with the latest developments at Daemonclub.com

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