This video shows some new game play clips with some of the new features available in the latest alpha build of Lone Wolf.
The newest alpha build 0.4.8 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version!
The following changes were made:
• Revamped whole level to include more straight away sections, you will need to start a new game old saves will not work with this build!
• Reduced initial loading time by splitting the level into chunks. The game loads faster from a save or a new game but you will see the loading screen during play to load new areas.
• Removed many of the weapons for acquisition in later levels.
• Created a cross hatching shader to make inked lines on all 3D objects to better integrate the comic book look.
• More AI pathfinding bugs fixed.
• Fixed some textures on objects throughout the level, added more objects to the level to give it a better atmosphere.
• Redid the sky texture to match the art style of the game better.
• Fixed the collision and navigation mesh throughout the level, as well as occlusion culling cells.
• Fixed the lighting to appropriately shade areas better and work with the new cross hatch shader.
• Added fog for background.
Hope everyone had an enjoyable summer! I just got back from PAX and it was incredible! I definitely will consider bringing Lone Wolf to the Indie Mega Booth in the future, it seems like it would fit right in there!
Sorry for the huge delay in this build, but I really, really wanted to polish things up and make it as presentable as possible before I released it. Basically this is a rehaul of the level, straightening out a lot of the areas and ramping the level so it makes it easier to play. I also started really polishing up the level's art so it looks more like it will in the final product, and as you will immediately notice, I added a cross hatching shader that inks the environment objects to match my art style so things will start blending together now to look more like a comic book. I've spent the past couple of months doing as much as I can to fix a lot of the issues with the environment and AI control, but there are still some I really want to work on, like a priority cue for enemies so they will not all pounce on you at once, and finally fix all the textures for the particle effects to match my art style. There is still no night/day yet, but that will most likely be implemented soon as I have the level in it's final state and all the static objects are in place.
There may be some performance issues with this build as I have added more objects and trying to optimize other things like loading areas in game, so there will probably be framerate issues as you play in certain areas. Also the build is about 100MB bigger in size so you will have to wait a bit longer to download this version because of the size increase. It takes up around 650MB on disk now currently and I imagine it will increase as I add more levels to the game in the future. Please give feedback where and when you can, I really want to complete as much of this level in a polished state as soon as possible, so I can start on a few more fun quests through the level, and alter the tutorial to be a lot simpler and more interactive. Thanks again for all the support and your patience, if you haven't pre-ordered yet, pre-order or donate at or at, I hope you enjoy the new state of the game!