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Since I'm new here, rather than just diving in, I'll bring you a up-to-date on the project that we're working on! Matt and I started working on Super Hematoma in late 2012, and as we're first-timers to the world of game making, it's taking a little longer than we'd hoped. But we're happy with where we're at right now and hopefully will have a playable demo soon.

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Since Super Hematoma is new here, rather than just diving in, I'll bring you a up-to-date on the project that we're working on! Matt and I started working on Super Hematoma in late 2012, and as we're first-timers to the world of game making, it's taking a little longer than we'd hoped. But we're happy with where we're at right now and hopefully will have a playable demo soon.

We aim to:
*provide a sense of immersion by providing players the ability to tweak their Bruiser's appearance
*offer fun and varied environments to wage all-out fist fights in
*provide an aggressive arsenal of weaponry to wreak havoc with
*have multiple modes for scoring so that players can choose to play a more traditional last-man-standing contest, point based scoring, or even capture the flag match.

I'm about to start on the animation for the first Bruiser and have a first pass at the background for our first arena along with a chip-tune for the level. Matt's been making our game engine from scratch and is now at a point where he can have characters running and jumping around.

Check out our blog: Sprixelsoft.com where we've been making updates every Friday, or stay tuned here, where I'll try to bring y'all up to speed one day at a time. There are lots of gaming related articles that we post to our blog, however I'll keep the indiedb information to just stuff that is related to Super Hematoma.


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