Valentine’s Day is way older than any franchise currently in Crusade; the two men known as “Saint Valentine” are known to have perished in 269 and 273 and the occasion has been associated with love ever since the dawn of the 15th century, preceding the creation of any form of videogame by about 550 years.
Nevertheless, couples and love itself often is a driving force in the plot of videogames. Mario travels throughout the Mushroom Kingdom to save his dear princess Peach whereas Crash initially antagonized Cortex in order to save his girlfriend Tawna.
Though you may not have someone to celebrate this occasion with like our aforementioned heroes do, there is no better time for you to find that person! By applying for our pixel art position you may be able to join the Crusade Family, and celebrate next year’s Valentine’s Day with us!
The Crusade Team wishes you a Happy Valentine’s Day!