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Post news RSS Guts & Glory - Hoops, Balloons and Kabooms

Will flying through hoops and shooting colorful balloons get you ready for combat? Read more about the new training levels and witness what happens when Guts "kisses" Glory following last weeks development!

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Four - More - Levels

The brave aviators and aviatrixes of Guts & Glory will now be introduced to the game with a set of four flight and combat training levels. Developing these levels has been last week’s main objective, but you can also see the revamped explosions when Guts & Glory get too close:

Adding new content to the game is an important milestone that puts the game’s internal flexibility to the test. Being able to quickly add new levels and objects means it will be possible to meet the April milestone with enough variety, including the planned flocks of geese...

Having a Blast

The initially implemented mid-air explosions were okay. Together with some camera shakes it gave a decent enough effect. However, keeping the aircrafts intact is slacking off, so I decided to revamp the effect with a virtual chainsaw and some Newtonian physics.

This is how it looked before:

And this is after:

PvP is King

Everything in Guts & Glory is and will be tuned to provide the best PvP arcade experience. This is what's guiding the development and this is how everything is balanced in the game. Even when trying to do the best, early feedback is crucial, so..

Next Waypoint

The first demo build of Guts & Glory will be ready very - very soon, so check your six and we'll radio back with the news.

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