The first release for the LAN-party-licious game Guns of Theory is available for download.
Here's a video of me and a friend trying to break the game.
I've been working on this around my summer job, so development sessions have extended into the morning on several occasions. I found energy drinks and coffee recently, so that's a boost once it's done mangling my bowels... Anyway!
On This Version
This first release is a very small subsection of the final product, hence the 0.1. In a coming release I hope to have dedicated servers, a master server, more game modes and some actually good maps. As it stands, this version is Deathmatch only, with a limited selection of test maps. If you want better maps, you can make your own and plunk them in the Custom Levels folder! Just make sure they're .dae files (the free version of Sketchup does this). The game will generate an .xml file for you to tweak once you load the level up so you can adjust spawn points and add and remove components.
Future Plans
Level editing will be much more robust in the future, allowing you to fly around the game and place objects, lights, and spawn points intuitively and cleverly. I'm hoping this can all be done in multiplayer as well. Moreover, expect to see improved hand mechanics, more pleasing lighting and visuals, a more in-depth damage model, psychedelic blood, kicking and banning, server options and much more in the coming releases.
Please Come Say "Hi" on the Forum
If you have any questions, ideas, comments or concerns, you can start a discussion in the forum section right here on IndieDB. I'd love to make this a community party, and you're all invited.
Looks really damn amazing!
That first-person rolling will take some getting used to, I suppose, but man does it look fun.
>DRM free and cost nothing to start playing
>cost nothing to start playing
Oh ****, don't tell me you're going the P2W-road?
Well, there's all my hype down the drain.
None of that. I've played enough F2P games to be downright sickened by that stuff. I'm trying to avoid the stigma of "Free 2 Play". In fact, the final version will most likely have a cost like a traditional game, whereas the previous versions will be available for free for those who want to play on LAN.
Think "Ace of Spades" style, but the free version doesn't disapear magically when 1.0 comes out... and v1.0 won't suck.
Darn you Jagex.
I love you. Those were excactly the kind of words I wanted to hear.
GoT != F2P
why i stuck on the wallpaper screen!
That usually happens when you haven't picked a level. I forgot to set a default level. If you are ever curious of what the game is doing, press the ~ key on your keyboard.