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Post news RSS February 2010 Update

I know there has been the sound of crickets coming from this mod and I'm here to give you guys an update of whats going on.

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It's been a while since I've posted anything and I'm quite sad that this mod hasn't been able to get anything done lately. Also to make matters worse, I've practically lost the whole team that was working on this mod as they have all gone their separate ways or are just too busy to help out anymore.

A bit of good news is that I started working full-time at Zombie Studios as their newest 3D Artist, doing anything from lighting in unreal to creating assets and a bit of level design here and there as well. I started about a month ago and also recently had to move to another apartment which has been sucking up all my time( having a fiance doesn't gain me any extra free time either >_< ). Not needing to be said, I've been keeping busy busy busy, and not all of it is what I would like to be spending my time on either (the asylum beckons me!)

My modding nerves are coming out of hibernation soon though, i can feel it!!! I appreciate everyone's support and interest in this mod throughout the entirety of it's life. You all have been very patient and I want to be able to give you something in return, the Apollyon Asylum shall live, I swear it!


hate4uall - - 700 comments

great news ! this made my day

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DaveTheFreak - - 994 comments

Yeah don't give up on that mod, it has such a huge potential!

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Picklock Author
Picklock - - 414 comments

Thanks for your continuing interest guys, it really helps me keep inspired to keep developing this beast. I will be recruiting again soon to get a team going when I start production back up. No definites here but I want to start up again towards the end of this month or soon after, we'll see what life brings :/


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AlCool - - 3,112 comments

I think you're just lazy! ;D

Anyways, I'd love to see this release. Hell, if the feedback gets good and the progress starts rolling, UDK stands far above on a shining pedestal of glory, awaiting the virgin touch of Apollyon Asylum.

You'd better help Zombie Studios release some premium stuff ;D Just keep doN' what you love!

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