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Post news RSS Early Alpha Gameplay Footage

Short Gameplay footage of our Samudai early Alpha build.

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So it's finally there! Our first pre-alpha gameplay footage. It's a bit rough around the edges but at least it will give you guys an idea of what the game is about. We would really love to know what you think so give us some feedback if you can. There are still a lot of gameplay mechanics that have nog been implemented but we are getting there. We are currently focusing on getting the first level completed and we aim to release a Demo in the not too distant future. Let us know what you think and like us on Facebook if you haven't done so yet! www.facebook.com/geekslothgames

ococo - - 4 comments

I like the camera perspective, it gives an great sense of epic fight. Gameplay-wise, it's still a bit unclear how you can land a good hit.

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