Thanks to the community, who helped get us Greenlit in June 2013, we're finally ready to bring out an alpha for our loyal fans. It will be available through Steam on May 22nd for $14.99USD.
We'll need your help testing on different hardware configurations, findings bugs, and of course just enjoying the game while providing us with feedback. We think everyone will enjoy the world we've created.
awesome! it looks amazing.
Damn, this must be the game RUST wanted to be.. Just minus the Multiplayer!
I am seriously impressed guys. You can expect me to be among the first to buy this!
HOLY FFFFfffffff...!! Amazing.
Just in time for the end of my exams!
Quick question. Will i be able to use my xbox controller or no?
Yes, an Xbox controller should work for gameplay. :)
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awesome! and are you gonna release the pc requirements aheads of the time
We're still working heavily on the game to get it optimized, we'll get the min specs released as as soon as possible. Currently a GTX 660 is ideal, but we're working on lowering that.
looks awesome!
$14.99 seems a bit low. Are you guys gonna raise the price for official release?
Also... is there an endless survivor mode?
The price is for an unfinished game, we only thought it would be fair. Plus it is an incentive for those who want to help push development for the final release to get it at a lower price. So, yes, the price will probably go up for final. We have not settled on a price though.
We are playing with the idea of an Endless/Horde mode that would also be co-op. Unfortunately that won't make it into the alpha. We're focusing currently on the single player campaign.
What's the price going to be in euros?
Somewhere around €10.82. Since the alpha is through Steam, we're not sure how they will round the price for other currencies.
Awesome, as long as it isn't just €15 like some lazier publishers tend to do :) Will buy it to support the development as soon as it's possible.
Some publishers might try to make up the conversion costs doing that. We'll try and keep it fair for everyone.
Tell me I can switch to 3rd person view, and you will have my coins.
Unfortunately, no :(
No 3rd person view totally ruins it.
Is it mac supported?
We're currently focused on a Windows release along with Oculus Rift support. But a Mac compatible version is something we're hoping to do in the near future. With more community support for a Mac version the higher it will be on our priority list.
Please...never enough mac games! :)
I would buy it for the Mac.
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Do we have any word on multiplayer capability being in the cards for future releases?
We want to have a co-op mode similar to an Endless/Horde mode, but it won't be ready for alpha.
Just take my money now. Do it.
I wanna buy it. But it can be perfect if you add co-op :)
wtf.......did i stumble upon..............? This looks amazing///////
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Its this game with multiplayer?
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This game would get more hits that it will currently get, from putting it on Xbox 360, and ps3. I think this, because I sure *** heck want it on my next gen, pc and 360 so I can play it no matter what!
No 3rd person option, totally ruins an otherwise excellent looking game.
No 3rd person, no purchase.
Can you please make a Mac version i really want to play it
Yeah, exactly...
Fast forward to 2023 :D