The Dominoze Demo Beta has had over 8,000 downloads, and the trailer has had almost as many views on YouTube. As expected, the beta resulted in many issues and suggestions being brought to us. Most of them have been addressed, but a few outstanding bugs and crashes so far linger as we have not been able to duplicate them on our side.
While we try to get those buttoned up, development is ongoing for the full edition of Dominoze. The game comes with 30 levels, and an editor for you to make your own puzzles. Plans are now underway for an invitation-based closed beta that includes several puzzles from the full release, as well as the editor. When the closed beta is ready, an announcement will be made on this site with a link to where you may apply to join it, and get your copy of Dominoze. As a tester, your input will be vital to making this game the best it can be.
The closed beta should begin within the next few months. Until then, stay tuned!
Awesome, I look forward to the full release.