Devlog #18 - The Concept Art
Hello again! Welcome to this week’s article of our Chama!
As we prepare development of the future levels, we’ve got to redesign the cast of characters that are present in the current levels, giving it a new optimized look and furthering on the game itself. With this it was given a more remarkable and distinct design to each, so that it would also attract the players visually.
The Art previously
From the first version of Chama, when it was still an academic project, without a proper support towards the game’s art, there was a greater difficulty towards creating concepts for the design of the HUB, the environment itself and characters. So, it was done in a 1:1 scale copy of the real place and it adopted a style that wasn’t very complex to develop. With the usage of a more chibi cartoony art style, yet maintaining a few realistic aspects such has textures. Overall a more friendly style that would be commonly appreciated by teenagers and kids.
The Art currently
Having this lack of consistency through certain elements of the game’s art cause a decision to remodel it focusing on the environment and the characters. Starting from defining a more simplistic yet appealing style, using more geometric and simple shapes. This makes it easier for remodelling and animating. With a consistent style defined followed by the new concepts for the character’s redesigns the game got a personality that fitted with the team more.
The thoughts for the future
In the future we would like players to come experience our game. Understanding the character’s personalities and characteristics by looking only at their design as a whole and identifying with them. As well as the possibility to inspire people with the vibrant and warming art surrounding Chama.
That all for this week’s article of chama!
For the next week we’ll try to go for another specific area. Until then you can follow us on our social medias below!
We hope to see you next week! Goodbye for now!