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We finished filming our KS footage. Here is what we focused on.

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Filming Complete

So, since we are putting together a new and updated Kickstarter video, we decided that it would be a good idea for us to do some more filming. This time, we did it a little differently. It was a lot harder and took 2 days instead of one but so far the results are a lot better.

We broke down our thoughts into a knew key points that answered questions along the way. To start, we will be showing a short teaser of game play and battles. After that we do some minor introductions and then move on to answer the question everyone has on their minds, what is Shadow Heroes?

We wanted to get that out of the way first. A quick answer to the biggest question. You've seen it, now, you want to know what it is. After that, we start going over some of the development of the game answering, when did we start making this game and how is it different? This is when we mention our equipment system and the different way people can play the game.

The next question that came up was, can you make it. To respond to this we explain how we have been teaching the engine for years and have been working with epic using the new Unreal Engine 4.
The final part was, what do we need money for and the closing. Saying what we needed the money for was easy so the hard part was coming up with a compelling close. For this we wanted to do two things. Involve the viewer, and get them to come back. As a result we state

"You are the Shadow Heroes army. Join us on the adventure of making this game and stay tuned for more updates."

As for here, we will keep you updated when the final video is done and we can start looking at Kickstarter itself.

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