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Post news RSS Dev Update 5 - New features and balancing!

It's only been about 3 weeks since we came out on Steam, but there's already a lot about the gameplay we've improved, check it out!

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Here's the new changes in the latest build since we launched on Steam's Early Access. You can play the game and support development by purchasing Cannon Brawl in early access.

Our launch on Early Access was just the beginning. We've got a ton of great feedback from players and have a lot of cool stuff lined up for the game. Here's what's been added so far:

  • Surrender option to appropriately reward players when their opponent quits
  • Lots of tuning on many of the buildings, based on collected multiplayer stats and player feedback in our forums
  • Tons of crash, de-sync, and bug fixes. Thanks for sending those crash reports!
  • Fixes for a number of map issues

I'm on the steam discussion forums, if you have any trouble or any feedback on the game, let me know!

Hope you enjoy!

yavuztezcan - - 709 comments

awesome work really

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