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Post news RSS Cold Shell Dev blog #31 office boss and rooftops

Corporate offices' (and rooftops') boss fights. Car driving through a building? Why not!

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Hello, everyone

TL;DR - Wishlist Cold Shell on Steam > Cold Shell Steam page :)

Wow, took me some time to return to the devblogs. I keep on keeping on, and got enough material for a couple of articles, but was too exhausted for a devblog. All kinds of bad and good things happen to me IRL, but i work on the game.

I've had an idea of "a car driving through an office" for a while now. Finally made it to the game.

Bash an armoured vehicle, that is cruizing through a corporate office, wreaking havoc. Check.

This is a boss fight, and the battlefield becomes all scarred and messy.

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In game screenshot, looking swell.

An arena battle, i've had some iterations with.

You just have to take down a single corp rigger (spawning drones) to win. But the shield dudes and landmines will try to not let you through. Also, there is more than one way to get rid of the enemies here ;)

Check out a secret level 3. Enemies, out of your direct reach, traps, closed doors. Those orange "arrow things" are all enemy spawners.

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That's a bird view from the level editor. This level is like 4 screens size.

Here is a rooftop boss battle.

That boss is using a handheld grenade launcher. Grenades can ricochet from walls, making it harder to dodge them. But you can still shield or bash them away


That's it for now, will keep you updated on how it goes on!
Wishlist Cold Shell on Steam > Cold Shell Steam page :)
Thank you for reading it all the way here. It means a lot to me.

P.S. a shoutout to @syazamirin if you read this - you are awesome!

Brutal_Muse Author
Brutal_Muse - - 37 comments

So i have posted an article just a day before the IndieDB of the year vote started. Unlucky me :(

If you are reading this - please vote ;)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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