At last, I've managed to cross 'GUI' from my list. It's been sitting there, watching items fall away around it until it was the last one left.
With that done, all I have left to do for the Demo is to write and record some music, balance a few things here and there and most importantly, build all the maps that the Demo will feature.
I won't give away too much about it but I can say that the Demo will contain at least these areas: Tutorial Map, Outskirts of the City, The City, The City Prison, The City Graveyard, the Boss Zone and one or two hidden areas for you to discover. You will be able to level up to level 20 within the confines of the Demo but due to the nature of the loot system, even then there will be things left for you to do. That is, redo old areas in hopes of getting better rolls on items and also, loot some rare items off bosses.