Well today i got together with couple of my closest online friends. I formed Cheat Enforcer team. The cheat enforcer team finds new software for me to blocks, and adds ideas to cheat enforcer. So one of the new ideas that is gonna be implemented on cheat enforcer 1-1 is a
*external Components like nprotect that runs in the system tray.
-- There will be a in Unity script that constantly searches for the
cheat enforcer .exe, process and handle, identifiers. This will be a option.
option 1..
You have the choice to buy the external Cheatenforcer that runs out of the game. Recommended for game performance. But not so much for protection. I only say this only because external components are a little easier to breach. But we will do our best to stop this from happening.
option 2
Or you can Buy the eternal Version import the dll into unity and code it into a empty asset and have that asset loop constantly to constantly check for cheater programs being ran. this might reduce game performance a little.
THERE IS STILL NO SOLID Release Date on Cheat Enforcer.