For those of you who enjoyed the first release, the second is now avaliable via a link of the Taleworlds mod thread...
It's slightly rushed in an effort to get people testing and giving feedback on the mass of new mercenaries. To access the new mercs, merely hire "Tavern Local" "Hireable Traveller" or "Female Traveller" and upgrade through their troop trees to access all the new troops.
For example;
Tavern Local - Dying man - Restless Spirit / Walking Corpse
Tavern Local - Extra Hand - Local Merchant - Fishmonger / Blacksmith
Tavern Local - Extra Hand - Professional - Private Detective / Back Alley Doctor
Hopefully the third release will be heavier in content and make it onto ModDB though I may have to cut back on my "modding time" as the summer holidays come closer to an end, never-the-less work will still continue.