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Post news RSS Blog 19 Merry Christmas!

In this blog we talk about the new patch a redo of field and Level Edit Christmas.

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Patch 1.1.0 got released
patch 1.1.0 got released the major change in this patch is that veterancy for infantry is now added to the game. this means that units get a buff if they do damage and survive longer. Vetarancy upgrades are determined per unit type. for example a simple riffle soldier will just get a health and armor buff for his first vetancy level (veteran) and for the elite level he will get a weapon upgrade. the full list of changes can be found in the link below.

the new Field
fabian has been working on a new version of field.
here are some pictures of the new field.
keep in mind this is still WIP. but sofar it is shaping up nicily.

User Posted Image
User Posted Image

other news
We are working on a much more updated LevelEdit with a large prop library along with a new set of proxy buildings for 3DS Max. These should be with by the new years, along with a new blog, patch and hopefully some map updates!

One_Winged_Angel recently created a new skin for our BHP forums, a Reborn Theme. This new theme is created with the very old design in mind along with the older Reborn forum skin, it really does look amazing!

To select this new skin (if you haven't already) just go to the bottom of the page, click on "Change Theme" and select Reborn!

Xan_Kriegor has been working on a Russian fan site for the last few months in an amazing effort to spread the word about TS:R! Xan has been trying to keep it up to date with blogs and other Reborn/C&C news when he can. If you can read Russian or have Russian friends, direct them to this link and be sure to follow it!

for the full patch notes look up the blog on our forums here

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