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Post news RSS Alpha 0 Released!

The first version of the game has been released, and is ready to be broken.

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It's finally here! The Dingo Engine is now in Alpha 0. Why zero? Because it hasn't been fully tested yet, so there still may be some major bugs I need to fix. However, basic gameplay like gravity, controls, and collision detection are functional. I have posted the library and source code on Github, under the BSD license. There are no tutorials yet, but they will slowly appear on the Github Wiki as I make them. Once I do that, then go ahead and start breaking stuff!

Performance is actually very good right now. The collision detection isn't the best and is very prone to clipping, but that shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't apply absurdly large forces to objects, such as 1000 units. That's another thing, velocity and force don't really have a unit with this engine. Well, velocity's units are pixels/frame. Animations are as smooth as you allow them to be. The graphics aren't anything amazing, but that will change once I add a rendering pipeline to the mix.

Right now there are no tools to develop with, but I am working on a map editor. Or, I had one until the code got so messy that I decided to start over.

Development will be slow for a while. I have a much bigger game in progress, plus school and life. But don't worry, this engine is still being worked on. Alpha 1 will be released hopefully sometime during the summer.

You can get the engine here: Github.com

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