For several months I've been working on a new fantasy adventure game. I'm presently using the name "f0rest" for the project. The player controls a warrior-monk named Geoffrey on his journey across hills and woodlands and through cold mountain passes, on the way to a famous monastery called Valisade. Along the way Geoffrey must manage hunger and food supply, rest to recover energy and heal wounds, and fight various monsters. Several magical spells are available, and some of these require "reagents", i.e. supplies like herbs and flowers collected from the environment.
I'm trying to do something really unique with the art style. All objects, scenery, and all animation frames are individually hand-painted on watercolor paper, using acrylic artist colors combined with colored pencils. These are then scanned and converted into objects and animations for the game.
You can check out the image gallery here for some shots of both the prototype and production art styles; there are in-game videos of the prototype art, and new videos are forthcoming.
Here are a few new test-composites for the updated art style:
I'm also blogging lots of raw paint scans at my imgur account:
The musical soundtrack for the game is mostly done. You can listen on Soundcloud:
There is some more information at the game's home page, including links to design documentation and more.
I hope you enjoy the art and music! And I will be posting updates (and eventually playable downloads) as production continues.